Saturday, February 22, 2014

Cracking the Coding Interview reflection

1. When test multiple cases, be careful about resetting global or shared variables for next test case! (i.e. vertex visited or not in problem Search Route In A Graph, previous value in problem Validate Binary Search Tree)

2. Code in Google Java Style, which is widely used in Google Projects

For example,
1) add braces {} for one statement block like if, else, for, while.
2) Class name use UpperCamelCase. Method, Local Variable and Parameter name use lowerCaseCamel.
3) Noun for Class name, verb for method name, adjective for interface name.
4) null is not instance of anything.
5) package files for easy management and name space separation

3. My solution:

4. OOD
1) Communication with the interviewer to clarify ambiguity for system sketch
2) Abstract objects from scenario, sometimes simplify the case, like corner pieces array in pro 6
3) Extract relationship between objects for inheritance, interface and property
4) Confirm action for methods, use key words in the problem
5) Divide large objects into components (i.e. online reading system into library, user manager and display)
6) HashMap is useful for fields or attribute design, Create/ Read/ Update/ Delete (CRUD) for methods design
7) Focus on core steps in the problem, such as attach edges, remove the edge from open edge lists, find next exposed edge in pro 6
8) use pseudo-code or comment to express ideas, what you did is less important than why you did, discuss trade-off with interviewer
9) use array for frequent searching, linked list for frequent adding and deleting

5. Database
1) trade-off between flexibility and complexity
2) Make assumptions. Incorrect assumptions can be dealt with as long as they were acknowledged in both reality and interview
3) Normalized database is designed to reduce redundancy and denormalized  one is to optimize read time with redundancy, but expensive to update and insert, sometimes inconsistent, need more storage

6. Stack can replace array when don't need to store immediate values, like Largest Rectangle in Histogram.

Elements of Programming Interview
1. Approaching the problem
Clarify the question
Work on small examples
Spell out the brute-force solution
Think out loud
Apply patterns(D&C, recursion, DP, graph, hashmap, binary tree, stack, etc.)

2. Presenting the solution
Focus on the top-level algorithm
Manage the whiteboard
Test for corner cases
Memory management

3. General conversation
Can the candidate clearly communicate a complex idea?
Is the candidate passionate about his work?
Is there a potential interest match with some project?

4. Other advice
Be honest
Keep a positive spirit
Don't apologize
Be aware of your body language
Keep money and perks out of the interview

5. Stress interviews

6. Learning from bad outcomes

7. Data Structure
Primitive types, Array & String, List, Stack and Queue, Binary Tree, Heap, Hash Table, Binary Search Tree. (Skip List, Treap, Fibonacci Heap, Disjoint-set data structures, Tries)

8. Algorithm
Sorting, Recursion, Divide and Conquer, Dynamic Programming, Greedy, Incremental Improvement, Elimination, Parallelism, Caching, Randomization, Approximation, State

9. Abstract analysis techniques
Case analysis, Small examples, Iterative refinement, Reduction, Graph modeling, Write an equation, Variation, Invariants

Monday, February 17, 2014

Learning Notes about Agile Web Development with Rails (4)

Rails application --- Depot

Ruby on Rails shines when it comes to dealing with change—it’s an ideal agile
programming environment.

Along the way we will be building and maintaining a corpus of tests. These
tests will ensure that the application is always doing what we intend to do.
Rails not only enables the creation of such tests, it actually provides you with
an initial set of tests each time you define a new controller.

1. Use Cases
A use case is simply a statement about how some entity uses a system. Con-
sultants invent these kinds of phrases to label things we’ve all known all
along—it’s a perversion of business life that fancy words always cost more
than plain ones, even though the plain ones are more valuable.

2. Page Flow
Some folks like to mock up web application page flows using Photoshop, Word,
or (shudder) HTML. We like using a pencil and paper. It’s quicker, and the
customer gets to play too, grabbing the pencil and scribbling alterations right
on the paper.

3. Data
Finally, we need to think about the data we’re going to be working with.

Notice that we’re not using words such as schema or classes here. We’re also
not talking about databases, tables, keys, and the like. We’re simply talking
about data. At this stage in the development, we don’t know whether we’ll even
be using a database.

Task A: Creating the Application
Iteration A1: Creating the Products Maintenance Application
Creating a Rails Application
Creating the Database
Generating the Scaffold
Applying the Migration (Rake looks for all the migrations not yet applied to the database
and applies them.)

Iteration A2: Making Prettier Listings
Our customer has one more request (customers always seem to have one more

this code uses %{...}. This is an alternative syntax for double-quoted
string literals, convenient for use with long strings. 

Rails keeps a separate file that is used to create a standard page environment 
for the entire application. This file, called application.html.erb, is a Rails layout 
and lives in the layouts directory

• We created a development database.
• We used migration to create and modify the schema in our development
• We created the products table and used the scaffold generator to write an
application to maintain it.
• Updated an application wide layout as well as controller specific view in
order to show a list of products.

Task B: Validation and Unit Testing
Iteration B1: Validating!
The model layer is the gatekeeper between
the world of code and the database. Nothing to do with our application comes
out of the database or gets stored into the database that doesn’t first go
through the model. This makes models an ideal place to put validations; it
doesn’t matter whether the data comes from a form or from some program-
matic manipulation in our application. If a model checks it before writing to
the database, then the database will be protected from bad data.

Iteration B2: Unit Testing of Models
An assertion is simply a method call that tells the framework what we expect to be true. 

Test Fixtures
In the world of testing, a fixture is an environment in which you can run a

In the world of Rails, a test fixture is simply a specification of the initial con-
tents of a model (or models) under test. If, for example, we want to ensure that
our products table starts off with known data at the start of every unit test, we
can specify those contents in a fixture, and Rails will take care of the rest.

What We Just Did
• We ensured that required fields were present.
• We ensured that price fields were numeric, and at least one cent.
• We ensured that titles were unique.
• We ensured that images matched a given format.
• We updated the unit tests that Rails provided, both to conform to the
constraints we have imposed on the model and to verify the new code
that we added.

Task C: Catalog Display
Iteration C1: Creating the Catalog Listing
Iteration C2: Adding a Page Layout
Iteration C3: Using a Helper to Format the Price
Iteration C4: Functional Testing of Controllers
Both validation and functional tests will only test the behavior of controllers, 
they will not retroactively affect any data that already exists in the database or 
in fixtures.

What We Just Did
We’ve put together the basis of the store’s catalog display. The steps were as
1. Create a new controller to handle customer-centric interactions.
2. Implement the default index action.
3. Add a default_scope to the Product model to specify the order to list the
items on the website.
4. Implement a view (an .html.erb file) and a layout to contain it (another
.html.erb file).
5. Use a helper to format prices the way we want.
6. Make use of a CSS stylesheet.
7. Write functional tests for our controller.

Task D: Cart Creation
Iteration D1: Finding a Cart
Iteration D2: Connecting Products to Carts
There’s an easy way to remember where to put
belongs_to declarations: if a table has foreign keys, the corresponding model
should have a belongs_to for each.
Iteration D3: Adding a Button

What We Just Did
It has been a busy, productive day so far. We’ve added a shopping cart to our
store, and along the way we’ve dipped our toes into some neat Rails features:
• We created a Cart object in one request and were able to successfully
locate the same Cart in subsequent requests using a session object,
• we added a private method in the base class for all of our controllers,
making it accessible to all of our controllers,
• we created relationships between Carts and Line Items, relationships
between Line Items and Products, and were able to navigate using these
relationships, and
• we added a button which caused a product to be POSTed to a cart, caus-
ing a new LineItem to be created.

Task E: A Smarter Cart
Iteration E1: Creating a Smarter Cart
Iteration E2: Handling Errors
Rails has a convenient way of dealing with errors and error reporting. It defines
a structure called a flash. A flash is a bucket (actually closer to a Hash) in which
you can store stuff as you process a request. The contents of the flash are
available to the next request in this session before being deleted automatically.
Typically the flash is used to collect error messages. 

Iteration E3: Finishing the Cart

What We Just Did
Our shopping cart is now something the client is happy with. Along the way,
we covered:
• Adding a column to an existing table, with a default value
• Migrating existing data into the new table format
• Providing a flash notice of an error that was detected
• Using the logger to log events
• Deleted a record
• Adjusted the way a table is rendered, using CSS.

Task F: Add a Dash of Ajax
Whenever you work with Ajax, it’s good to start with the non-Ajax version of
the application and then gradually introduce Ajax features. 

Iteration F1: Moving the Cart
A partial is simply a chunk of a view in its own separate file. You can
invoke (render) a partial from another template or from a controller, and the
partial will render itself and return the results of that rendering. And, just as
with methods, you can pass parameters to a partial, so the same partial can
render different results.

Rails automatically prepends an underscore to the partial name when looking 
for the file. 

Iteration F2: Creating an Ajax-Based Cart
Ajax lets us write code that runs in the browser that interacts with our server-
based application.

Iteration F3: Highlighting Changes

Iteration F4: Hiding an Empty Cart
Whenever we want to abstract some processing out of a view (any kind of view),
we should write a helper method.

What We Just Did
In this iteration we added Ajax support to our cart:
• We moved the shopping cart into the sidebar. We then arranged for the
create action to redisplay the catalog page.
• We used :remote => true to invoke the action using Ajax.
• We then used an RJS template to update the page with just the cart’s
• To help the user see changes to the cart, we added a highlight effect,
again using the RJS template.
• We wrote a helper method that hides the cart when it is empty and used
the RJS template to reveal it when an item is added.
• We wrote a test which verifies not only the creation of a line item but also
the content of the response that is returned from such a request.

First, if you plan to do a lot of Ajax development, you’ll probably need to get familiar with your browser’s Java Script debugging facilities and with its DOM inspectors, such as Firefox’s Fire-
bug, Internet Explorer 8’s Developer Tools, Google Chrome’s Developer Tools,
Safari’s Web Inspector, or Opera’s Dragonfly. And, second, the NoScript plug-
in for Firefox makes checking JavaScript/no JavaScript a one-click breeze.
Others find it useful to run two different browsers when they are developing—
have JavaScript enabled in one, disabled in the other. Then, as new features
are added, poking at it with both browsers will make sure your application
works regardless of the state of JavaScript.

Task G: Check Out!
Iteration G1: Capturing an Order
Iteration G2: Atom Feeds
Iteration G3: Pagination

What We Just Did
In a fairly short amount of time, we did the following:
• We created a form to capture details for the order and linked it to a new
order model.
• We added validation and used helper methods to display errors to the
• We installed and used a plugin to paginate the list of orders.
• We provided a feed so that the administrator can monitor orders as they
come in.

Task H: Sending Mail
Iteration H1: Sending Confirmation E-mails
Iteration H2: Integration Testing of Applications

Unit testing of models
Model classes contain business logic. For example, when we add a prod-
uct to a cart, the cart model class checks to see whether that product is
already in the cart’s list of items. If so, it increments the quantity of that
item; if not, it adds a new item for that product.

Functional testing of controllers
Controllers direct the show. They receive incoming web requests (typ-
ically user input), interact with models to gather application state, and
then respond by causing the appropriate view to display something to the
user. So when we’re testing controllers, we’re making sure that a given
request is answered with an appropriate response. We still need models,
but we already have them covered with unit tests.

The next level of testing is to exercise the flow through our application. In many
ways, this is like testing one of the stories that our customer gave us when we
first started to code the application. For example, we might have been told
that A user goes to the store index page. They select a product, adding it to their
cart. They then check out, filling in their details on the checkout form. When they
submit, an order is created in the database containing their information, along
with a single line item corresponding to the product they added to their cart.
Once the order has been received, an e-mail is sent confirming their purchase.

This is ideal material for an integration test. Integration tests simulate a con-
tinuous session between one or more virtual users and our application. You
can use them to send in requests, monitor responses, follow redirects, and so

(When you create a model or controller, Rails creates the corresponding unit or
functional tests. Integration tests are not automatically created, however, but
you can use a generator to create one.)

What We Just Did
Without much code, and a few templates, we have managed to pull off the
• We configured our development, test, and production environments for
our Rails application to enable the sending of outbound e-mails.
• We created and tailored a mailer which will send confirmation e-mails in
both plain text and HTML formats to people who order our products.
• We created both a functional test for the e-mails produced,

Task I: Logging In
Iteration I1: Adding Users
Iteration I2: Authenticating Users

Iteration I3: Limiting Access
Rails filters allow you to intercept calls to action methods, adding your own
processing before they are invoked, after they return, or both. In our case, we’ll
use a before filter to intercept all calls to the actions in our admin controller.
The interceptor can check session[:user_id]. If set and if it corresponds to a user
in the database, the application knows an administrator is logged in, and the
call can proceed. If it’s not set, the interceptor can issue a redirect, in this case
to our login page.

Iteration I4: Adding a Sidebar, More Administration

What We Just Did
By the end of this iteration, we’ve done the following:
• We created a virtual attribute representing the plain-text password and
coded it to create the hashed version whenever the plain-text version is
• We controlled access to the administration functions using before filters
to invoke an authorize method.
• We saw how to use rails console to interact directly with a model (and dig
us out of a hole after we deleted the last user).
• We saw how a transaction can help prevent deleting the last user.

Task J: Internationalization
Iteration J1: Selecting the locale
Iteration J2: Translating the Store Front
Iteration J3: Translating Checkout
Iteration J4: Add a Locale Switcher

What We Just Did
By the end of this iteration, we’ve done the following:
• We set the default locale for our application, and provided a means for
the user to select an alternate locale.
• We created translation files for text fields, currency amounts, errors, and
model names.
• We altered layouts and views to call out to the I18n module by way of the
t helper in order to translate textual portions of the interface.

Task K: Deployment and Production
Iteration K1: Deploying with Phusion Passenger and MySQL

A deployed Rails application works a bit differently. We can’t
just fire up a single Rails server process and let it do all the work. Well, we
could, but it’s far from ideal. The reason for this is that Rails is single-threaded.
It can work on only one request at a time.

The Web, however, is an extremely concurrent environment. Production web
servers, such as Apache, Lighttpd, and Zeus, can work on several requests—
even tens or hundreds of requests—at the same time. A single-process, single-
threaded Ruby-based web server can’t possibly keep up. Luckily, it doesn’t
have to keep up. Instead, the way that we deploy a Rails application into pro-
duction is to use a front-end server, such as Apache, to handle requests from
the client. Then, you use the HTTP proxying of Passenger to send requests
that should be handled by Rails to one of any number of back-end application

SQLite is not recommended for high-volume, high concurrency web sites with large

There are plenty of alternatives to SQLite, both free and commercial. We will
go with MySQL. It already is included in OSX, is available via your native
packaging tool in Linux, 

Iteration K2: Deploying Remotely with Capistrano
Iteration K3: Checking Up on a Deployed Application

What We Just Did
We covered a lot of ground in this chapter. We’ve taken our code that ran locally
on our development machine for a single user and placed it on a different
machine, running a different web server, accessing a different database, and
possibly even running a different operating system.
To accomplish this, we used a number of different products:
• We installed and configured Phusion Passenger and Apache httpd, a pro-
duction quality web server.
• We installed and configured MySQL, a production quality database server.
• We got our application’s dependencies under control using Bundler and
• We installed and configured Capistrano, which enables us to confidently
and repeatably deploy our application.

Learning Notes about Agile Web Development with Rails (3)

Basic Ruby programming language knowledge

1. Ruby Names

Local variables, method parameters, and method names should all start with
a lowercase letter or with an underscore: order, line_item, and xr2000 are all
valid. Instance variables begin with an “at” sign (@), such as @quantity and @product_id. The Ruby convention is to use underscores to separate words in a multiword method or variable name (so
line_item is preferable to lineItem).

Class names, module names, and constants must start with an uppercase
letter. By convention they use capitalization, rather than underscores, to dis-
tinguish the start of words within the name. Class names look like Object,
PurchaseOrder, and LineItem.

Rails uses symbols to identify things. In particular, it uses them as keys when
naming method parameters and looking things up in hashes.

2. Methods

You don’t need a semicolon at the end of a statement as long as you put each
statement on a separate line. Ruby comments start with a # character and
run to the end of the line. Indentation is not significant (but two-character
indentation is the de facto Ruby standard).

Ruby doesn’t use braces to delimit the bodies of compound statements and
definitions (such as methods and classes). Instead, you simply finish the body
with the keyword end. The keyword return is optional, and if not present, the
results of the last expression evaluated will be returned.

3. Strings

This previous example also showed some Ruby string objects. One way to cre-
ate a string object is to use string literals, which are sequences of characters
between single or double quotation marks. The difference between the two
forms is the amount of processing Ruby does on the string while constructing
the literal. In the single-quoted case, Ruby does very little. With a few excep-
tions, what you type into the single-quoted string literal becomes the string’s

In the double-quoted case, Ruby does more work. First, it looks for substitu-
tions—sequences that start with a backslash character—and replaces them
with some binary value. The most common of these is \n, which is replaced
with a newline character. When you write a string containing a newline to the
console, the \n forces a line break.

Second, Ruby performs expression interpolation in double-quoted strings. In
the string, the sequence #{expression } is replaced by the value of expression.

4. Arrays and Hashes

Ruby’s arrays and hashes are indexed collections. Both store collections of
objects, accessible using a key. With arrays, the key is an integer, whereas
hashes support any object as a key. Both arrays and hashes grow as needed
to hold new elements. It’s more efficient to access array elements, but hashes
provide more flexibility. Any particular array or hash can hold objects of dif-
fering types; you can have an array containing an integer, a string, and a
floating-point number, for example.

You can create and initialize a new array object using an array literal—a set
of elements between square brackets. Given an array object, you can access
individual elements by supplying an index between square brackets, as the
next example shows. Ruby array indices start at zero.

In Rails, hashes typically use symbols as keys. Many Rails hashes have been
subtly modified so that you can use either a string or a symbol interchangeably
as a key when inserting and looking up values.

nil is an object, just like any other, that happens to represent
nothing. nil means false when used in conditional expressions.

5. Regular Expressions

A regular expression lets you specify a pattern of characters to be matched in
a string. In Ruby, you typically create a regular expression by writing /pattern/
or %r{pattern}.

6. Block

Code blocks are just chunks of code between braces or between do...end. A
common convention is that people use braces for single-line blocks and do/end
for multiline blocks.

A method can invoke an associated block one or more times using the Ruby
yield statement. You can think of yield as being something like a method call
that calls out to the block associated with the method containing the yield. 
You can pass values to the block by giving parameters to yield. 

7. Exceptions

Exceptions are objects (of class Exception or its subclasses). The raise method
causes an exception to be raised. This interrupts the normal flow through the
code. Instead, Ruby searches back through the call stack for code that says it
can handle this exception.

Both methods and blocks of code wrapped between begin and end keywords
intercept certain classes of exceptions using rescue clauses.

rescue clauses can be directly placed on the outermost level of a method defi-
nition without needing to enclose the contents in a begin/end block.

8. Modules

Modules are similar to classes in that they hold a collection of methods, con-
stants, and other module and class definitions. Unlike classes, you cannot
create objects based on modules.

Modules serve two purposes.
First, they act as a namespace, letting you define methods whose names will not
clash with those defined elsewhere.
Second, they allow you to share functionality between classes—if a class mixes in a
module, that module’s instance methods become available as if they had been
defined in the class. Multiple classes can mix in the same module, sharing the
module’s functionality without using inheritance. You can also mix multiple
modules into a single class.

Helper methods are an example of where Rails uses modules. Rails automat-
ically mixes these helper modules into the appropriate view templates.


YAML is a recursive acronym which stands for YAML Ain’t Markup Language.
In the context of Rails, YAML is used as a convenient way to define config-
uration of things such as databases, test data, and translations.

10. Marshaling Objects

Ruby can take an object and convert it into a stream of bytes that can be stored
outside the application. This process is called marshaling. This saved object
can later be read by another instance of the application (or by a totally separate
application), and a copy of the originally saved object can be reconstituted.

There are two potential issues when you use marshaling. First, some objects
cannot be dumped. If the objects to be dumped include bindings, procedure or
method objects, instances of class IO, singleton objects, or if you try to dump
anonymous classes or modules, a TypeError will be raised.
Second, when you load a marshaled object, Ruby needs to know the definition
of the class of that object (and of all the objects it contains).

Rails uses marshaling to store session data. If you rely on Rails to dynam-
ically load classes, it is possible that a particular class may not have been
defined at the point it reconstitutes session data. For that reason, you’ll use
the model declaration in your controller to list all models that are marshaled.
This preemptively loads the necessary classes to make marshaling work.

11. Ruby Idioms

1) lambda

The lambda operator converts a block into a object of type Proc. 

2) require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ’/../test_helper’

Ruby’s require method loads an external source file into our application.
This is used to include library code and classes that our application relies
on. In normal use, Ruby finds these files by searching in a list of direc-
tories, the LOAD_PATH.

Learning Notes about Agile Web Development with Rails (2)

Chapter 3

1. MVC architecture

The model is responsible for maintaining the state of the application. Some-
times this state is transient, lasting for just a couple of interactions with the
user. Sometimes the state is permanent and will be stored outside the appli-
cation, often in a database.

model is more than just data; it enforces all the business rules that apply
to that data. (The model acts as both a gatekeeper and a data store.)

The view is responsible for generating a user interface, normally based on
data in the model. Although the view may present the user with various ways of
inputting data, the view itself never handles incoming data. The view’s work
is done once the data is displayed. 

Controllers orchestrate the application. Controllers receive events from the
outside world (normally user input), interact with the model, and display an
appropriate view to the user.

The MVC architecture was originally intended for conventional GUI applica-
tions, where developers found the separation of concerns led to far less cou-
pling, which in turn made the code easier to write and maintain. 

2. Rails processing flow

1) In a Rails application, an incoming request is first sent to a router, which
works out where in the application the request should be sent and how the
request itself should be parsed. 

2) The routing component receives the incoming request and immediately picks it
3) Controller interacts with model

4) Controller invokes view

5) View renders next browser screen

3. Why need a framework such as Ruby on Rails?
 The answer is straightforward: Rails handles all of the low-level housekeeping for
you—all those messy details that take so long to handle by yourself—and lets
you concentrate on your application’s core functionality.

4. Object-Relational Mapping
Relational databases are actually designed around mathematical
set theory. Although this is good from a conceptual point of view, it makes it
difficult to combine relational databases with object-oriented (OO) program-
ming languages. Objects are all about data and operations, and databases are
all about sets of values. Operations that are easy to express in relational terms
are sometimes difficult to code in an OO system. The reverse is also true.
So, an ORM layer maps tables to classes, rows to objects, and columns to
attributes of those objects. Class methods are used to perform table-level oper-
ations, and instance methods perform operations on the individual rows.

Active Record
Active Record is the ORM layer supplied with Rails. It closely follows the stan-
dard ORM model: tables map to classes, rows to objects, and columns to object
attributes. It differs from most other ORM libraries in the way it is configured.
By relying on convention and starting with sensible defaults, Active Record
minimizes the amount of configuration that developers perform. 

Active Record relieves us of the hassles of dealing with the underlying
database, leaving us free to work on business logic.
But Active Record does more than that. Active Record integrates seam-
lessly with the rest of the Rails framework. If a web form sends the application
data related to a business object, Active Record can extract it into our model.
Active Record supports sophisticated validation of model data, and if the form
data fails validations, the Rails views can extract and format errors.

Active Record is the solid model foundation of the Rails MVC architecture.

5. Action Pack: The View and Controller
When you think about it, the view and controller parts of MVC are pretty
intimate. The controller supplies data to the view, and the controller receives
events from the pages generated by the views. Because of these interactions,
support for views and controllers in Rails is bundled into a single component,
Action Pack.
6. View Support
In Rails, the view is responsible for creating either all or part of a response to
be displayed in a browser, processed by an application or sent as an email.
At its simplest, a view is a chunk of HTML code that displays some fixed text.
More typically you’ll want to include dynamic content created by the action
method in the controller.

In Rails, dynamic content is generated by templates, which come in three
1) The most common templating scheme, called Embedded Ruby (ERb),
embeds snippets of Ruby code within a view document, in many ways similar
to the way it is done in other web frameworks, such as PHP or JSP. 
2) XML Builder can also be used to construct XML documents using Ruby code—
the structure of the generated XML will automatically follow the structure of
the code.
3) Rails also provides RJS views. These allow you to create JavaScript fragments
on the server that are then executed on the browser. This is great for creating
dynamic Ajax interfaces.

7. Controller!
The Rails controller is the logical center of your application. It coordinates the
interaction between the user, the views, and the model. However, Rails handles
most of this interaction behind the scenes; the code you write concentrates on
application-level functionality. This makes Rails controller code remarkably
easy to develop and maintain.

The controller is also home to a number of important ancillary services:
• It is responsible for routing external requests to internal actions. It han-
dles people-friendly URLs extremely well.
• It manages caching, which can give applications orders-of-magnitude
performance boosts.
• It manages helper modules, which extend the capabilities of the view
templates without bulking up their code.
• It manages sessions, giving users the impression of ongoing interaction
with our applications.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Learning Notes about Agile Web Development with Rails

Ruby on Rails two philosophy:
1. DRY, don't repeat yourself.
Modulize the program, remove duplication. Ruby does very well basically, Rails was written in Ruby.
2. Convention over configuration.
Follow convention, write less code than use XML in Java.

Agile development core ideas:
1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
2. Working software over comprehensive documentation
3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
4. Responding to change over following a plan

Rails is agile itself! Elegant, faster, programmer-friendly.